Posts Tagged ‘Sports’

Odds & Ends

1.  Finally got around to updating some of the information on the blog, particularly with reference to my location & position here at North Hills Church in Meridianville, AL.

2.  I like the creativity of someone to suggest that William & Mary change their mascot to an Asparagus

The asparagus stalk supporter notes that if served with cheese, the vegetable represents the school colors.

Maybe this has already been thought of but the Aspargus mascot could be called Asparaguy.

3.  World Magazine named the ESV Study Bible the book of the year in their recent books issue.  I certainly have enjoyed it.

4.  I also enjoyed listening to Mosaic Whispers (a coed a capella group out of Washington University in St. Louis) on youtube.  (HT:  JT)

5.  I may get back to more regular blogging one of these days.  Not making any promises…

This is wrong…

That’s John Smoltz and he is not wearing a Braves uniform.

Does God Care about Sports?

Why does an athlete’s praise of God or desire to give thanksgiving and honor to God, automatically equate to the notion that God cares about the outcome of games:

I refuse to believe that God — anyone’s God — has a rooting interest in the outcome of something as secular and perverse as a BCS game.”

This is from Mark Kriegel’s article on Kurt Warner (primarily) and other athlete’s with strong religious views.  Kriegel does not belittle Warner’s faith which has been well-documented – he actually commends it in a way.  However, he seems to set up a straw-man to argue with.

Does God care about sports?  Yes and no.  I believe that God cares about sports in the way that he cares about all things that happen in the universe.  At the same time, I have never heard a Christian athlete say their team won a game because God was “on their side” or something along those lines.  So, God does not care about sports in the manner that some have imagined:  as an emotionally entwined, nervous, and uncertain of the outcome kind of fan simply sitting on the sidelines or even ordering the outcome as a fan might?  I don’t think so.   I do commend those athletes who genuinely wish to recognize God’s sovereignty over all matters, including the games (or jobs they hold) they play.

How would you respond to the question, does God care about sports?

Banner of Hope

I am not inclined to tell you, dear reader, what to do, as I am uncertain of our relationship.  That said, I would highly recommend that you read this story (for more read here).  I love when we see echoes of the Kingdom of God through sports, though it was really through the selfless acts of a school, their football team, and their fans.  If you are friend…read it now!

Great Commercial

Nike consistently has some of the best commercials.  I love how this one recognizes that one moment in time is not just that.  Our lives are much fuller and richer than any one moment and at any one time we have an opportunity to look back and see the providence of God and the many events and people that have shaped our lives to a particular point.  Anyway, kudos to the advertising firm that dreamt this one up.

Website for College Football Junkies/Nerds

College Football Stats

Football & the Gospel…

In seminary, I discovered I had a problem (among many):  I took college football way too seriously.  I suppose I can blame my dad’s side of the family for this condition, as it is hard to not become indoctrinated in this Saturday religion while attending games at one of the largest football worship centers in the nation:  Neyland Stadium at The University of Tennessee.  My commitment to worship of the pigskin was furthered by attending the University of Georgia.  Football, of course, is best in the Southeast.

Anyway, back to self-discovery…In 2002 UGA had an awesome team and were poised to make a run at the National Championship.  That was, until, they lost one solitary game toward the end of the season.  Once again, UGA lost to the University of Florida – even though UGA should have won.  Or at least were suppose to that year.  We were so depressed that we dreamt about the game that night and then skipped church due to our morosity.  That’s not such a big deal, unless what you are training to do for a living largely centers on a different type of worship held on a different weekend day!  That was a turning point for me…no more could my passion for college football consume my passion for worship of the Triune God and my Savior.

I still care greatly about college football.  I am still as big a fan as one could be, but I won’t let it occupy the supreme place in my heart.  So, this past Saturday, when UGA got absolutely demolished by the University of Alabama I allowed myself to be bummed about the game while it was unfolding, but once it was over – it was over.  The next morning, I had the joy of preaching God’s Word to those gathered in worship and one of the things that I got to talk about was the Gospel.  In fact, I told the congregation that one of the most powerful ways that we can respond to those who reject the Gospel is by our growing more in love with and in awe of the Gospel.  And though I did not say it, the message I was preaching to myself is that the football game is just that.  It is not the Gospel.  It is not the Gospel!  Wall Street might collapse and economic hell ensue, but it is not the Gospel.  Our cars may/will break down again, but it is not the Gospel!  This is the perspective that I was preaching to myself Saturday night as I busied myself, hoping for an epic comeback that did not materialize.  And it is the message I taught our congregation.

What crowds the Gospel out of your life?  And what are you preaching to your heart to counter the false worship that comes so naturally?

New Definition of a Sports Car

This morning, while I was taking the kids to school, E (5 1/2 years old) suggested that the car in front of us was a sports car.  I found this curious as the car in question was a Volkswagen Bug (new style), but E was not thinking of the traditional definition of a sports car.  In fact, I was driving a sports car (a Hyundai Santa Fe)!  So here is the new definition of a sports car:  any car with a sticker for a sports team on it.   There are a lot of sports cars out on the road using this new criteria!

Crazy economic times…

You know we are living in some crazy economic times when…

An oil executive suggests that the Govenor of Georgia cancel the upcoming football game between the #3 ranked University of Georgia Bulldogs and some team from Alabama (actually the #8 ranked University of Alabama) in order to save gas.  Read about it here.  The Govenor, Sonny Perdue, who happens to be an alumnus of the University of Georgia called the idea ridiculous.  If a college football game in the South between two ranked teams gets canceled to conserve gas, well, then we truly might be in trouble.

For those who are looking for some help in understanding these uncertain times, there are some resources here. (HT:  Discerning the Times)  I found the episode on This American Life (“The Giant Pool of Money”) to be incredibly helpful.  I listened to it on our recent trip to Georgia in August.

NFL TV Distribution Maps

The link below may be of interest to a very small segment of my readership…NFL watching (possibly fantasy playing) fans without the benefit of DirecTV’s Sunday Ticket who are at the mercy of games being shown on a regional basis.  Go here to see the distribution maps for the network television games that will be shown in your area.  I can’t help you if you are out of the country.

Incredible Play

Whether you are a fan of football or not, I think you could appreciate the beauty of this play from over the weekend:

To fully appreciate what Knowshon Moreno did, check out the frame by frame photography of what has been dubbed “the leap” in UGA circles here.

A few early Olympics reflections

Like many of you, I have enjoyed watching some of the olympics, most especially the swimming competitions at this point.  Here are a few random thoughts/reflections

  • Last night’s 4 x 100 relay had to be one of the most exciting 3+ minutes of sporting competition that I have seen in some time.  Incredible finish!
  • Question:  Why is it necessary to have a group hug after every point scored in volleyball?
  • I notice a trend back to the early olympics tradition of not wearing any clothes while competing.
  • Early contender for best name:  Prapawadee Jaroenrattanatarakoon from Thailand who won a gold medal in women’s weightlifting, a “sport” I fail to understand.  Can you imagine filling out the scantron form with that name.

Quick Hitter: College Football Helmet Quiz

The opening of College Football is about a month away!  If you know me, then you know that I am excited about this.  And I am here to help get you ready and exercise your brain at the same time.  Click here to download an excel spreadsheet that contains your College Football Helmet Quiz and then let me know how you did (in the comment section).  For the record, I only missed one and was disappointed with myself, of course.  I also had some spelling hangups (speaking of which, for some reason I couldn’t spell Helmet correctly when I began this post…I was spelling it “Helmut” and knew this didn’t look right.  That would be a very different quiz – German leaders?)

Don’t read the comments until you’ve taken the quiz!

(HT:  An Opinion on Sports)